Saturday, November 25, 2017

Adam Fieled, Swiss Army Knife

Lizzie Lifted Up My Wrist, image by Irene Koronas

Swiss Army Knife

Lizzie enlisted her Swiss Army knife,
started sawing away at my arm as I arranged
my rock collection in our dirty basement,
which she was visiting. Joanna dozed in
the corner. As she saw first blood, Lizzie
lifted up my wrist, which was being used,
& sucked away. It so happens this, my first
genuine affair, hit me at three, with a witch
& a vampire who I loved, but who lived
to rock the proverbial boat. I took her on
rock collecting expeditions in the woods
near the Old York Road Little League fields,
& she remained happy as long as her steel
did its business, which I liked then, still feel.  

—Adam Fieled