Sunday, October 15, 2017

Volodymyr Bilyk, Scanography 9

Scanography 9, Volodymyr Bilyk

Volodymyr Bilyk is a writer, translator, and visual poet from the Ukraine. His works include: visual poems in the series This is Visual Poetry (2013), CIMESA (2013), Casio's Pay-Off Peyote (2013), SCOBES (2013), THINGS (2014), Laugh Poems (2014), Vispo Ay Ai Ay (2014), “To When Tea Ties Hence to Wank It Too” / “Eminent Means of Basil Dado Hem-Welt” in The Chapbook 5 (2015), “Heartbeat, Footclick, Machine Gun Vocalizes” (2016), Understanding (of language) are not enough (2016).