Saturday, November 12, 2016

David Alpaugh, Visual Poetry

 Strip Taze
“Strip Taze” was published in Rattle in 2008

O Mission Impossible
“O Mission Impossible” was published in the 2015 Marin Poetry Center Anthology 
(in a skinner, much less visual, straight type form without the color background).

An Iron Chef Explains Why He Cannot 
Be Your Friend on Facebook
“An Iron Chef Explains Why He Cannot Be Your Friend on Facebook” 
was published, some years back, by Bluestem Magazine.

Revolutionary Sonnet
“Revolutionary Sonnet” is from my book Heavy Lifting (Alehouse Press, 2007). It was produced by reducing the first line 13 times and twirling each subsequent line slightly so the “beginning words” are not in the same position. The incredibly small 14th line will yield “THIS LINE RUNS AROUND IN A CIRCLE LOOKING FOR A BEGINNING A MIDDLE AND AN END” when viewed under a powerful enough magnifying glass or microscope!