Sunday, October 11, 2015

Daniel Y. Harris & Irene Koronas, Cr./it (excerpt from Di./um)

          Cr./it, image by Daniel Y. Harris & Irene Koronas 


cr./it hermeneutics
             of suspicion
                         the void font collapse
literal defeat                    equations                                          
mark the literate aporetic signal 
commonly procurement ruling the uphold 
reductio ad absurdum hē eis átopon apagōgḗ
              the strawman
of fallacy
appears twisted implies even must be false the main
cube multiple contradictions to conclude proof
the idol of farce  fundamentally
consider the other hand fit per se they
leveling fideism
cr./it fide axe imputed
edge of the pun place value system the null pointer point
the calendar result have higher
skip two seldom placed cognates
minus compute
originated with the centum weight and with the underside
of a half-clenched fist countless hours
     extracting laughter
applause consensus onerous removal
of the overdone guffaw diatomic cr./it inhaled variety                                   
to the point of detonation greener process bile the humors
sanguine and centric
available with thrusters
mechanical reproduction
of the digital forced out of a small hole dissolved
in the payload highly viscous products post-foaming hair gels
thick creams and lotions food spreads
as the bag/in/can/system

spray of cr./it 

—Daniel Y. Harris & Irene Koronas