Lives of the Saints, image by Rupert M. Loydell
after Michael Landy
legs, arms and
oops a daisy
spring in her step
(spring is her step)
secondhand assortment
rodded limbs
back to base
weighed right down
head full of gears
central heating discord
broken futures
partially assembled
all fingers and thumbs
iron angle signs
what is real
sixth sense vibration
no resistance
a life of penance
plastercast body burn
self-battering belief
faith in splinters
torture devices
ideas and imagery
listening to
another world
outside the door
for the moment
up front positive
canonised clone
mishaps, misshapen
and bad timing
failure admitted
more than one finger
denial of self
well, yes and no
the sound of the bell
glass room procession
people as images
scrapyard connect
we used to dance
father forgive
he began by
entering the building
breaking things
and winding himself up
losing interest
for the sake of it
trying to imply
—Rupert M. Loydell