Saturday, December 29, 2018

Rupert M. Loydell, NEW SWARMS

Untitled Drawing, image by Rupert M. Loydell 


000010 111011 101011 1111011 11000010 101
1110010101 001 010101 010101 0111 000
101010 0011 1110 1111000011 1111000 01010

bbafde15      1ca95557     a8fbc3f0a

cloud chamber silence is now a destination
datacrime & broken people born in stagnation
mend my drone and orbit surveillance


can’t run but old time spirit pylons tune in
last hidden reflections in this dream room
drop savage circle well there you go

2ac949ddb     496714e0     9582a775

100101 01 100 00010101 001 1101 110101
01001 0010 110011 1000 101001 1100 000
1010101100 10 01 010010011 10111 01 1011



killjoy apocalypse
tickertape mindset

numbers as text
and binary code

hexadecimal haiku
for future interface

positional discretion
quantum calculator

spacetime numerical bass
constantly unruly song

sub-string matrice disease
slub incinerator ash

octal daydream bypass
motor neurone scream

disco glove crescendo
anarcho-geek disguise

dictator machine demons
misery network screen

ahzaig oead aaar xzuoo
skko ofuun uxaf fdbjaa

LED indicator light
sensors detect motion

new test compiler 7134
standard alias mode

metahaven personnel
abandon escape room

—Rupert M. Loydell