Hyll Yw Mieri Displays Her Schlong, image by Daniel Y. Harris
alone in a sperm whale forty nauticals from nuuk
sitting alone burning circles on my
sitting alone in a lilac star
thoughts like which witch ran naked in a bikini thoughts like seals fucking
death at seventeen wanking to
the pages of which witch magazine
which pane the elephant whose legs brush the queen of greenland
how about fuck you
you’re so vague you probably think waves and waves of radiant blue
a polka dot expanding then
contracting exploding silently into
my paper cup teenage crushes on a
cucumber plate wave upon wave of
nuclear hate cau eich llygaid
alone in diluvial light
sitting alone in shack in nuuk
watching seals fucking seals sound tracked by miley cyrus and earth song
thoughts like who ate the snow where went the elephant x in your rp hex
sitting alone in the bathtub
waiting for the pope to expire for the
wheel to swing for the wifi to
ping for the phone to
echo of the arctic on the ice panes
arrival of vague upon vague of
radiant blue
a polka dot expanding then
contracting then imploding gracefully
in my paper cup
digital cement and spiders
lock the car at red light fuck
up the bridges
if you have lost a pair yellow
shoes blow the queen of greenland
axe in your radiant blue heart hyll
yw mieri prydferth yw eu mwyar
took the scalps of forty four seals / twenty two rubies before the king of
greenland deigned to dine
seals caught by astro naughts in sinking
space forts
waves and waves of interglacial
blue glaze
the king spoke of idiot
snowmen arogl cnau coco blodau’r
eithin the ones he sculpted in d names
days never ending winter nights black as
hammers and words painted in white on the surface of the moon
i waited
for the king to expire
purple bitches in bikinis sinking space forts slinging vague upon
vague of nuclear hate
circumspect vampires carving gaps
in the weather
sky made of ashbery eyes i
called to the radiant blue the
king is dead
king is dead off with their
cyrus snorting xanax is the culmination of months and months of communism
months and months of sitting on a
windowsill thinking
nothing but how form is
cellular how the galaxy is like an egg
grown men in shorts kicking cones
around a plant of grass
crack the egg
i am the new king of nook
it is terribly cold my only friends are penguins
i smile in pictures the king and queen gave me nothing but
vandals and wallpaper
[extremely inappropriate content
removed] n/a vanish to indigo flyaway under the lilac trees proceed to leaf mieri lle bu mwynfeydd
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