Altered States II, image by AC Evans
As the gloves come off beautiful blooms, sheer box
Jackpot event, get it delivered, let’s hit the fast
Kinky dancing, dirty prancing, scandals, champagne,
Custom fittings round the rear. A quick selfie and
we’re off!
Yeah er good er no er hello yeah I’m good yeah yeah.
Listen up for a wake-up call from The Dread Masters;
My third eye sees an altered state an altered state in
Unsafe zone, seriously para-normal, my knickers say wi-fi
Oh, lah-de-dah – open wide, heh, heh.
Like I was in this dream, like it was some film, you
What happened?
Like, you know, I was taken prisoner by Bluetooth the
Pirate, and
We were in his undersea city you know, some horrible,
damp dungeon,
There were, flashing images, disturbing scenes, and
Strong language like it was just so horrible, you
Looking for a change?
More of a good thing?
Ritzy everything – get your groove on.
Dry riser requiem, tipsy girlfriend in the courtyard
Wearing a glo-in-the-dark interactive t-shirt.
Good day bad day (don’t ask) monster voice-changer
Ride more top-notch honey bunny kiddo girlie.
Got cool flow?
Swish, swanky, premium silk, black contact lenses,
And another curious incident. Do you get it?
Have you got it?
The group played materialistic Subtopian Neo-nonsense,
Then the group played a heritage wine-cooler; pure
Like an armillary sphere paperweight deluxe solitaire
Portable swivel vice. Gnarly teeth, my braces fell
The surprise gift was an Art Deco heated eyelash
Totally terrific.
Then, we were enticed down a psychic corridor, and
A jigsaw landscape shattered into a thousand pieces;
We were caught in the eye of a storm, beyond the sea
of glass.
Yes, Planet Oasis Beauty Boutique was a happening
For happening people – people just like us!
Sign up today, meet the satellite girls!
Just remember, you have to play to win.
Switches and sockets burn with blue fire in the dark.
Sure, I love it, she muttered seductively.
Utter nonsense? Oh, you know what?
No it was really nice, yeah , jackpot event, yeah.
Bit like mad and like, it’s really good, sooo crazy,
Aren’t they? The group banged on and on.
We all got our groove on, as they say.
Quite intense, quite emotional, really.
Yeah, no, it was really quite nice feasting on aphids.
Force shut down. Cancel.
—AC Evans