Sunday, August 30, 2015

Felino Soriano, from Oscillating Echoes

The Oscillation of Otium, image by Daniel Y. Harris 

from Oscillating Echoes


the quartet of restored rhythms,
a centered configuration of
piano implementation, truant
from the need to dissect sound
for purposes of benign definition--

the pageantry cannot forget
fathom as reflectional data,

cannot portend unless the language
of future observes history's accurate
contemplative motive


each syllable
       was a wandering
collecting space and
fiction of movement’s
illusions, every
burgeon a
denial of temptation to
desirable moment
collecting absence
and the fusion of sorrow,
light, among what pardons
emotions and calculated
devotion to withstand
the alone rendition of
textured self-injurious


each child waiting
subsequent to the pause an

embraceable determination of
architectural bridge, a

movement of waiting song

for warmth and sedentary
devotion, the parent

as ideology, an etching of
innate need (and need to meet
unalterable need)

crosses into emotion and eyes,
hands among hands these

intertwining configurations cannot
dissipate, whole


within dark
a maze reworks
distance to draw
a foreign light

                      entering the diligence
                      of hour’s informal confirmation


each opportunity
to find death
in the hand of an open moment’s
silent language of introspection, a greeting,
a lyric of depositing memory

must organize stagnancy of devoted
living, hiding, a buoyancy
which undulates in the colors
of an hour’s kaleidoscopic

Felino A. Soriano is a poet documenting coöccurrences.  His poetic language stems from exterior motivation of jazz music and the belief in language’s unconstrained devotion to broaden understanding.  His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net anthologies.  Recent poetry collections include Forms, migrating, Of isolated limning, Mathematics, Espials, watching what invents perception, and Of these voices. He edits the online journal, Of/with: journal of immanent renditions. He lives in California with his wife and family and is a director of supported living and independent living programs providing supports to adults with developmental disabilities. Visit for more information.