Poéme Chaotique I, image by Pedro R. Rivadeneira
Song of Anonymous (a nomadic novel)
Section I
Pedro R. Rivadeneira
(a work in progress)
not about
but, a bout
“Language shapes the way we think,
and determines what we can think about.”
Benjamin Lee Whorf
you will learn how something might have ended
that never even began, that started in the middle and
stopped at no precise point, but faded into another
Julio Cortázar, Around the Day in Eighty Worlds
“Blow wind
blow, anon am I.”
Bergvall, Drift
. . . and the cold
the fog
the cold gray fog seeping into everything
with bite and sting knowing full well that the last word is
the lost word
making the sting all the more pronounced more precise
still here
soon i’ll be gone from this
place my face my countenance dissolved erased
by fierce wind and sand by rain
eroded in this manner that is
by means of this stillness this
silent stillness i somehow get
along without the aid of any
illumination i find my way around in the gloom the ever encroaching gloom i hear
see myself in a room writing a
letter over and over again thus
confirming my preconceived motions faster
than the speed of life as it
were as if words could begin again and
again what’s been left unsaid
undone a tangle of beliefs belief systems arguments and counterarguments obstructing the
view i lie in the darkness telling my story but to whom? to what?
it is this
this breeze this thing that
speaks now this process that produces
all utterances the isolated words and
sounds grunts and wheezes holding on to the fog the dark silence no
nothing to hold on to not
now not a thought ‘cause the
last word is the lost word why don’t
they say so say so? [ 1].
and then again
and still some more
i’ve been writing this letter over and over again starting out each time from a different
location a different angle hoping to give skin to the passing of days
trying to define a theme that would give it all some kind of meaning a
shadow projected against the backdrop of life . . . but then my inability seemed meaningful enough so
i let it all go grow like a vine wild and untrimmed which made its home in
and all around me never minding whatever plans had been made to
put life in its proper place by then
it was too late why there were convolutions involutions and counter-involutions as it
began to extend its tendrils branching out in all directions (in and all around me) as
curly-cues and swirling m(n)otions shooting out shoots
with tendrils in tender twists
and leaflets green and dark gnarly roots grasping at what remains unseen
whose story this is
underneath distance and resistance dance into stream since then as far as far can be from the necessary despairs
and possible reflections prepared for the day’s specificities reversing into and out of heteronomy and
gestures stretched zealous enough
thought told itself if behavior is an –ism as noise is
to extreme libidinized density . . . what remains in helpless glance actually
retreating distance and a leafy
knot into unnecessary streets more or less quiet remained
locked in seizure location what tries
to try for more looking for pieces of
scrap through cracks fallen leftovers from history’s workbenches dust bins
garbage cans from which to
construct a difference a heavy
knot a nexus knots of discontent this content was as if
by dreams an intent for pieces
looking perched on branching out glances home of
different locations passing through days of trying retreating into disorder and
this order as flooding comes first
alluvial readwriting this
meandering ode to imperfection
whose story is this?
it is a story of
Theory and Praxis:Praxis
and Theory:Theory/Praxis:Praxis/Theory:TheoPra:PraTheo:TheoPraryxis: PraryTheoxis:TheoParoxismicry:ParoxisTheomicry:crymiaroxisPraTheo:crymiaroxisTheoPra:eroTicParoxismic:eroTicParosismatic:TheoPraeroTic:eroTicPraTheo:
eroTixraP:erraTicraP and messy:eroThicPraxis:eroThixPracis:aesTheTicPraxis:PestTheoraxis:ThisPeoraxis:
ThisEroticPractice an Erratic TheoPraxis
paroxismically writhing
this -sssss prr -
is er-
in practice
more like a bursting dam
flooding the gates
prr- ah-
over flowing the walls of containment
and contentmeant
spilling over
the margins
-sis the flat white plains of endless pages sss-
crr- languaging (not languishing!)
-arrr doodling and laughing mah-
suh sobbing and drooling dru- oo -
(not about but a bout)
i write as i please
tih- my only
constraints are financial
as i am
poor that is to say sys-
privileged ssssss
no this is
not a joyous time
nor is
everything available to me
eh- least of all that upward mobility uh-
a i’ve heard so much about m
h my shelf life is uncertain m
h- anonymity watches nnn
washes over me, e
u a content meant context e
h- and means s
c as in possible
courses of action s
u not
about but a bout:
h- an about
face without orders
th that disorders into off
course ssssss
ah- a
theory as practice and an-
p a practice that articulates theories
for me a content
context means e
os- oscillating irregularly e
b between systematicism and
e the a-systematic:
turbubabulence: ba
this brain’s a random number generator bu
an erratic percolator, bab
bubbling with the messiness of the erotic u
lin- alluvial, oovvv-
guh dragging the me
kicking and screaming
as far as far as the I can
see a-
and beyond
e the I refracted, ree
e dissipating into the structures of language, frahk
yaw its sounds, it’s rhythms, tehd
nduh its polyphonic meanderings po-
slaw- slipping
between li-
pin- arguing
dentures gnashing! ppy
guh (spoken like a true
langeezer!) gnah
lang- Languaging not languishing lang-
i mean verbatim not
verboten! wan-
wandering, der
wri- writing and thinking wanderfully directionless lust
th- along whatever path it deems necessary, thin-
inguh acousmatic
sound poem writing, kl-
par- parthenogenetically
writhing inguh
mul- i do indeed hear voices hee-
tih- as i is a multitude, r
too- generated among other things r
duh by Routine r
geh- a unit
generator that produces events r-
nnn- both
regularly and at random li-
reh- according to an algorhythm s
eee- creating
a polyphonic texture of multiplicities:
(//a SynthDef, a kind of virtual instrument: time stretching
granulator //with variable grain size overlaps, producing a polyphonic texture
of //multiplicities
pointer,freqScale,windowSize, envbufnum, overlaps, windowRandRatio, interp, amp,
att, sus, rel, envAmp, start, end, dur,
wPos,panAmp, nfreq1, env, mix, room, damp, fmul|
env = EnvGen.kr(Env.linen(att,
sus, rel, envAmp), doneAction: 2);
envelope generator: controls attack, sustain, release and //amplitude of
waveform, its shape: plays back break point envelopes.
pointer = Line.kr(0, 1, 15);//points
the position in the buffer
wPos = LFNoise1.kr(nfreq1);//a noise
generator that controls pan //position, a kind of random number geberator
signal = Warp1.ar(1, bufnum, pointer, freqScale,
windowSize, envbufnum, overlaps, windowRandRatio, interp,
amp);//a granular time stretching and //frequency
shifter ugen
mix, room, damp, fmul), wPos, panAmp)) * env;
(//a Synth: an instanciation of the SynthDef warp1: time
stretching //granulation of aiff file: "plosives": produces a
polyphony of voices //at different frequencies, rhythms and tempos creating a
polyphonic //texture
envAmp, wPos;
= 15;//determines where in the index list to
envAmp = Env(#[0.1, 1], #[12],\exp).asStream;
r = Routine({{//a unit generator
that generates events
Synth(\warp1, [\bufnum,
d.bufnum, \windowSize, 0.2, \freqScale, rrand(0.95, 1.1), \envbufnum,
-1, \overlaps,
rrand(0.1, 2), \windowRandRatio,
0.2, \interp, 4, \amp, 1, \att, 11, \sus, 3, \rel, 0, \envAmp, 0.5, \nfreq1, rrand(-0.25, 0.25), \panAmp,
1, \mix, 0.33, \room, 0.5, \damp, 0.5, \fmul, 0.5]);
What you are
now reading is also an algorithm
e rítmico
not just mechanical emptiness but
an emptiness full of energy and meanings,
a machine for making sense, dissonance
and dissidence
. . . form here isn’t
something static but rather the consequence of the irregularly
oscillating tide of order and disorder
integration and disintegration
semantic drifts smears trying to find a more spontaneous way of
writing that will yield a more spontaneous sounding work allowing for ambiguities gray areas
form here means a web a field
of actions a field of activities and
connections the events are sometimes
autonomous sometimes interdependent intertwined an entanglemeant that is
a meaningful tangle of events form is elastic fluid
not a series of rigid structures relating to each other only by means of
similarities and dissimilarities in linear fashion it is rather a web of relationships which may go back
and forth in time
a landscape opens up in
which a wilderness of words sounds and images spontaneously
unfolds a scrub seen as if in a sudden flash of lightning
revealing ravines and scraggly peaks with branches and twigs intertwined and
dark gnarly roots grasping at what remains unseen i catch glimpses of the rocky scraggly ravines below in a flash of lightning i get glimpses of a network of long gnarly
fingery twigs and branch-like
limbs entwined reaching clutching at each other in a scrubby
mass mess in organic fashion the internal relations are not subject
to rigid architectonic principles but to the wobbly organic elasticity of a multidimensional
web comparable perhaps to neural networks
where each node is the intersection of two or more strands the messiness of a scrub if you will the formal language does not reach the
functional perfection of the relational network of geometry or mathematics no
relations are not held together in it by any special signs but only by
the haphazard the contingent and
disposition i mean to say the physical availability of reading and
writing paths of gestures and their
feasibility on the instruments being written for in a particular piece the structural elements the nodes in the composition act more like
chemical valences strange attractors
together some
of these
issues become
like tissues;
of thought
and sound
matter of speech;
a network
of dendrites
neurons fire
(not verboten!),
over which
a sequence
bridged is
as wings
of leaflets
lets wind
of lack be forgotten
a scrub of words and sentences
crisscrossing each other
clawing at words riding
listening to the hearing
it’s trailing
writing as kinesthetic process
bodily function
an excretion
as is thinking a kind of action
and reading alreadymade
to move across the page
a plane, a practice
an inquiry as practice
lived to do so, it is lived
and then again and still some more
writing along so much so
such that enough is not enough
this integration
turbubabulent curlicues
involutions and counterinvolutions
meandertalltelling vineyarns
with a mouthful of words and sounds
reintegrating in re-creation
slippages sopping through fissures
and interstices encrusted with
meanings rusted
up up up we go
we go up up ‘n up
we go wee!
we go up and up
up we go up we go wee!
up and up and aft we go
aft we go after weee!
go up ‘n aft we go after
each dip drop drip drop
drooping we go up and
after a bout about face
without orders
we go wee!
we go and
after we go
after a bout
this location and dislocation
starting again after about
mapping disorder and this order
as i was pounding in re-creation through speechlessness and speaking
verborragia hemorrhaging bricollage a
composite digressive possibilities whatchamacalliting
into sounds dismantling verbatim into day dreaming
turbubabulent curlicues in re-creation
a shrapnel meanings disordering and this ordering meaning this here beginning as
mishearings electrochemically into this juncture into
into trance-elation transacting a while that is to say looping round and round again the ongoing
digression into my beyond stumbling into clusters embedded contradictions
refracted sense locus sounds rejecting explamutilations then
say to the whirr: where other whirls in conjecture without between someone
shown under “I” this again starting location
it’s trailing within
path of inky trails
writing as a kind of drawing
collage and bricollage
irregularly oscillating
between referentiality and
transparency and
with/between sense and non sense
the weight of words
their sounds
and frequencies
timbre and visual appearance
oscillating irregularly between
presence and
the spaces between letters and words
within letters
the interstices
the look of graphemes
the look of morphemes
the way they look in print
the visual aspects of
the look and sound of syllables
syllables and phonemes
e.g., as seen in computer generated
of spectral analyses of sounds
exploring the space
the area between signifier and signified
combining juxtaposing words in different ways
exploding grammar and syntax
seeking new relationships
an irregular oscillation between
meaning and meaninglessness
sense and non-sense
opacity and transparency
order and disorder . . .
charging language with possibilities
of meanings
not by destroying meanings but by
creating new ones
among the various units of language
a changeling channeling the
sign flotsam
some jetsam to recall
not about but a bout
an about
face without orders
disorders into off
writing as kinesthetic
bodily function,
an excretion,
as is thinking a
kind of action
and reading
to move across the page,
in any direction,
plane, a practice,
an inquiry as practice,
lived to do so, it is lived,
and then again and still some more
writing along
reading and
so much so
such that enough is not enough
if texts are maps,
what kind
of a map is a
curlicues involutions and
vineyarns yearning
a mouthful
of words and sounds disintegrating
reintegrating in re-creation slippages
sopping through fissures and interstices
with meanings rusted
mapping disorder and this order
. . .
and yet
again and still some more
was it manifest destiny that
led us down the dull highways of suburban days or was God only kidding? and who am i kidding? here i am
standing by the river eating rice pudding from a plastic cup with
half a spoon the other half lost broke
off when i opened the package too much glue or something . . . roundish chubby
grey-brown sparrow cautiously
approaches curious wants to know what’s in it for him but the rain’s starting up again no
time for intros and
pleasantries gotta go there’s lightning too and the wind’s
picking up no way to spend the
summer this security guard for the old and lonely a dead end terminal for myriad pointless lives whose
only purpose has been to do what they’re told
to conform good boy good
girl good little worker good little consumer here’s your punishment here’s your reward and here’s your punishment again just
what is it i’m guarding? who’s gonna
wanna mess with these guys? i mean
the proverbial sword hangs from a
very precarious thread above each and everyone of their scraggly whining heads so this is what i just wanna get by gets you!? huh?
bones and joints creak lungs wheeze and skins itch in conjunction it
seems an awkward ballet of coughs and who’s? and
what’s? and didn’t i tell yas and you should of seen ‘ems ricketting past my
confounded senses and meanwhile
the lights from the other shore reflected reaching out across the brisk water refracted forming sporadic glassy
ruffled bridges . . . in these solitary isolated moments one must feel fortunate relief really the journey which words cannot hold the
descriptions becoming journeys themselves
eddying trajectories in the
course of an action the hand cannot control
i mean
anyone know?
how life is worn? meant to be?
(and then some more as if
coasting along . . .)
i wait for
the rain to stop
but it keeps on coming . . . and
to have
such feelings, hushed and brisky,
rustling like grass at one’s
tickling between the toes. One
waits for music as it goes,
to tell us where and when
the flow begins and ends,
the loose ends really.
“It takes
more mistakes, more purely
random chances, more chaos
and irrelevance to produce the
than the sordid yarn”[2] The castle
in dreams perhaps, and thereof,
just as all writing is a kind of
and the friction too of such
knowledge; the mopetions weitch
lead us back and astray,
and back again, on the trail
to a world “I” never knew.
May i
begin again?
This story? Collecting rubble
along the wayfe
‘n nubbles too that i may
what it is is so atrocious as to
not look
but sideways ‘n vent whatever
it is so revents me insides. It
me de adentro pa fueraside,
and errors as markers
as we survive yet another day
once more in the fray neglected.
And to you too, this is of concern,
every atom belonging to me,
as good belongs to you”. [3]
And so begins, “and now begins”
a wish or two upon the dust,
this vieja cuesta ‘rriba
and then some more as if
“nowadays, amongst those with
the wit to realize their
a more sophisticated spirituality
an infinite nonsensicalism
and displacing all, so that, one
when all we here are dust,
particle and wave-form,
those who follow us will see
just that as a deal more
continuity than ever we deserved.” [4]
Cookin’ up a storm. The
wind passing through my fingers,
the water is a music as music
never to be aprehended;
A chorus of voices diluted
drip dropping, splashing and
in the gloom. Thought
i’d make it again to
the basement door and check it out,
see what i can find:
if Freud is still smoking
that fat ol’ cigar, or Barney
Rubble still bowls with boulders.
As it is, gotta go, bible belters
say so, and so too, their
a position too awkward
to continue primping (and
pruning till the clams fall
asleep . . .
Asunder. Bugging me like this.
Is sleep a kind of “is”?
Been between heart throb and
as the contents of a storm
massaged my innards, my
a greenish light spinning,
its way through, past my window,
a train passing in the distance
overshadowed by the wailing
siren of a fire engine.
Allegro ma non troppo.
Tongue ram mit rückstop.
Flowers in a bed,
happily everafter,
let’s see what i’ve been missing:
1) a whole
lot of kissing,
2) hugs and fucks
galore . . .
i thought of myself
as part of a crystal,
one of its smooth, inscrutable
facets, waiting to complete,
and be completed by others
whose façades i’ve never seen,
known. And so it was,
and is no longer: my
information’s theories gone awry,
passé and passed up,
once more, part
of the noise of a trajectory,
the rattling of which
fills these empty hallways with
a multiplicity of rhythms;
an intricate texture
of yesses and nos
and possibly maybes,
the impenetrable coat of mail
reality wears for breakfast,
lunch and supper. You are
told to walk a straight line,
but the line keeps on getting
and it’s no use consulting the
who continue to insist it ain’t
while scolding you for it,
since day one – but you insist
on searching out a different kind
of talk,
a different kind of walk
which you can call your own . . .
At this point, it is impossible
to keep on going, likewise,
it is impossible to stop,
to give it all a Blanchotian
or was it tryst? But it is here
we part company really. Some
on the other hand, may prefer
to call it a Beckett like
a la “Malone Dies”. Me?
i don’t give a shit either way,
the police state of mind,
thank you very much sir,
madam, but no thanks.
Thinking a bout that piece again,
the old superball trick
on rusty, uptight piano strings,
saw Fred van Hove do it,
not just a month ago,
with Johannes Bauer on trombone
hopping and dancing, skipping
while Suzie Ibarra laid down the
like a fucking hail storm.
brought life back to
this half dead place,
unafraid to be who and what
they are in sounds so stormy,
so calm and minute, so
intricate and swirling,
i thought the joy, at one point,
would burst the house in two.
The rain is over now,
but not yet the storm. The wind
coming down from the north-west
across the river, continues to
pelt away
at the building’s concrete and
brick façade.
Out of decay, running out,
up and about, a bout rot,
committed to decide
a trajectory, the furrows
of a commitment
meant to commit
the most decisive of gestures,
bringing forth a moment, a
a stream, a gushing force
kidding around, among
rocks and in meadows,
a forest of dreams
as it were, where one is in
as time stands still,
to write in this emptiness,
i mean, into “it”, bringing about
an about face, a kind of
that leaves one agape. . .
Looking at watch again,
hear the sound of your voice,
and gray blue eyes smiling,
hair braided up and tied
into two tight symmetrical buns
at either side of your marvelous
as you dance to that gritty
saxophone wailing,
enjoying moments gone by
making yours the sounds that
swirl round us
in a haze of smoke and laughter.
Be bop music and the fizz fizz
that’s my thingamajig changing
the titles again. Firm
taught body rocking air
into quivering strains,
now i’ve got it, now you don’t,
the subterranean homesick blues
one’s breath breaks, secretive,
persuasive, the good nights
velvet blue on pink horizons.
But, “I’m not one of those
Hear her voice
thinking through music’s
sequential squealing grit and
i looky a mina saxophone
home, a husky western style
i found
astounded, the drying leaves
and memories of you dancing
abrasive, shoulda known
what? what! say what?!
What you say breaks through
the falling as autumn approaches
and just now, “i” spoke
in a new key, what leads you
where? And just so, the undertow
i said, and back down again into
the velvet red of roses
backing up the green, upper cold
and downward draft, the news
paper’s smiling, gloomy faces
out of thought, (“what dreams you
no later than sooner got up
misplaced activity of ringing
bright dappled and new,
seems like summer with a twist
of exhilaration, a tendril
of past regrets and sunlight
all wrapped up into one tender
braid curling round one’s
the way smoke swirls up
from a heap of leaves and dried twigs.
i mean, having something to say,
and saying it again, not knowing
or how or why, but saying it
a density manifested in the dull
of suburban highways gone astray
. . .
up again and no time for
writing indifference and a
thousand platitudes,
got the rhythm and blues, don’tcha know?
for whatchamacallit and crumpled
symbols pounding the dust
of behavior’s isms. But no
just when i thought there was
nothing left between us but
a sea of silence, this playful
creeps up on me; the sound
of an all consuming wave,
the way a rustling breeze
takes over the scenery
which once seemed so wooden,
and flowers bloom everywhere,
for simplicity’s sake.
And that’s just fine. But
what of those sounds
hitherto unimagined? It’s true,
“I can no longer remember the
time when first
we began to fade from each
other’s view”.[5]
However, i
do remember very well
the first time we met. You walked
on sunlight it seemed,
though it was late at night. i
know not why
i saw you that way . . . i mean,
it’s not my fault, honest! Yup,
was like something else”, “and
behind the trees,
the light lingered on like a
dream” it says here,
i know, i’m an idiot, but, as i
told you
before, i can’t help it . . . Oh!
these are notes written on
margins allow for such
scribbling! The
spaces between ideas i once thought
were of consequence, in time
grew and grew out of proportion,
until determination no longer
seemed possible,
and now, “one walks with a
carefree gait
as if among mild fields,
oblivious of
where the melodies and harmonies
The loudness of it approaches us
“like yon mad machinery left to
crank away
at the sky” . . . And then, “I
wanders away
like a friendly dromedary,
trudging through
a lily pond, or sadness wanders
like a child getting lost”. But
you were
“telling me this story about how
witch got lost in the woods and
wound up getting devoured
by a pack of mushrooms”,
or some kind of fungus anyway, this ditty
like fate in a fortune cookie
eaten away by thoughts,
rats! anyway you look at it
you loose, my turn away
any and then some more
as we go along down the bend
but “you” never functions that
way . . .
Still in the undertow,
and my question to you is . . .
Writing indifference and
a thousand platitudes again.
Later on, complaints are felt
down the sunset streets with
green and cream colored awnings.
For eyelids. A song is heard
a midst the chatting, to be
in a turbulent flow as incremental repetitions
and seemingly endless
permutations. Wondering
about the assumption whether the
empirical mind
can get to the bottom of things
by means of careful and
patient analysis, thus adding to
the maddening effect,
the general hilarity, as the case
may be, of what
always remains under
construction. Rearranging
the sequence of events and
casting doubt on order
- any order - all of which can
safely be said to be legion.
These pages, taken by themselves,
may well sound pompous and
strange or warily
experimental-for-experimental’s sake,
sentimental even. But it was, is,
a way,
a kind of resistance to the gray,
dank corner we’ve been assigned,
this part of oblivion one can
call one’s own, this even though the battering wind
continues to remind me of the frailty of our existence open
vulnerable to a world largely
unknown and the thrashing sleet confirms again and again the
fact of one’s mortality as it pelts the flesh of my cheeks bright red with frost bite whereupon having finished my rounds about
the buildings and environs the parking
lot being the farthest reaching stretch
i return lumbering through the icy sludge to the office
on whose desk awaits “scrap(e)” a frantically fidgety fricative composition for solo cello full of
plosives nasals and trills tapping and flapping groping and scraping its way along the
something to say with scraps of discarded
sounds as its mainstay i’ve been reluctantly working on all
this fueled by Misses Doyle’s chocolate chip cookies and extra strong
coffee the nice little old lady on the seventh floor
whom curiously enough is curious about what i’m doing down here
in my cubicle this little box for the chronically the systematically the
terminally unloved
what a word where’s it come
from how’d it originate? re-luc-tance re luck dance read: luck dance: the paratactic character of
moments the stroboscopic nature of the mind perception
attention flickering on and
off attempting to trick reality into giving away
its secrets while ostensibly we
weren’t watching so much whistling in
the dark fidgeting inquieto
como un viento irrascible seeking out perhaps mischien the peace of non being or a
twist down into the dark warmth of the somatic
the impulsive the moment at which in which
the somatic becoming desire
incarnate jots down in a
reckless scribble the impulses in a code of writing inscribed into
the material itself electromagnetic impulses codified into groups of ones and zeros impressed upon
the hard drive’s magnetic coating matter
unbound upon within which matter itself materializing
its desire to be to be
seen to be heard makes itself felt put
together out of bits and pieces
leftovers really scrap the discarded fragmented
collage and bricollage-like: put together with whatever materials happen to be
lying around what units of thought what? seems to be coming around ‘n round once
more starting out each time from a different
location a different angle and
winding up again at some beginning the development of which gets lost in yet
another mad digression arriving at the same place again which is that
we have only ourselves with which to know the world ourselves
our senses attention thought and language with which to conduct
the task even as we know that ineluctably everything slips away into silence at
last such that the utterance is made to seem but a
pointless act as some had thought but it was the utterance which by way of relief made the silence possible
culled from the void
as it were as if words could
stop the gap the hemorrhaging the eternal wound the gaping rift the
discontinuity between ourselves and the world the cosmos
whathaveya the whatchamacallit as they say a bunch of suffering Cartesians
we the lot of us the lost
painted ourselves into a corner with our systematic thinking and
now look where it’s got us writhing in unfreedom here
stuck in indecision collapsing into undecidability the pointer on the map “You are here” where
is that? what? when? stuck
in the self same ever present presence of an ahistorical moment a feedback loop they call it all that’s left us now it seems
is to throw a big temper
tantrum against life the
cosmos the everything and
whatever you know God and all that God wagging his tail tongue lolling dripping with indifference
and very often i doze off for a
while and the radio’s voices and static mix in with my head and do something to
my dreams as i sit here in my post drooling
on my sleeve in my stupid guard’s
uniform the polyester oppressive to the flesh the radio
voices and static as i was
saying seeming to be the way we talk to ourselves in
our heads in our sleep the
disembodied voices from the radio yacking
an externalized version of the
perpetual the eternal internal monologues we have going
on all the time it seems the radio’s
disembodied voices chiding reassuring fearful
avuncular advising patching up
the self plugging up the leaks with noisy static trying to comfort ourselves with whatever
scraps of belief we manage to muster up
the lot of us scavenging hopelessly helpless in our attempts to stop
the gap between ourselves and each other
the enemy the fearful
enemies each other we are
it seems this so fearful and
therefore utterly boring lot enemies
to each other caged in by our plans the endless scheming the
systematic calculating and manipulation of how things should be
but everything is in passing nothing is permanent it says here except maybe
the passing itself a concrete metaphor of which is the
nearby onrushing river seeming to be the true reality of time our time
which threatens nature and
history alike it says here to save them we
have no recourse but to rely on memory the human capacity to preserve what’s
past dead in our lives the act of remembrance and that which
society puts away in its darkest corners
as antiquated obsolete is
often a moment of freedom from which to criticize society itself a
good place from which to criticize the present is what the present itself
considers past what is thrown out as
useless can be society’s strongest critic
it says here to appear as
being out of fashion is the form that uselessness takes on in a society that
abhors the old and aging a society that denies its own past its own history a past littered with ruins
this me the lopsided existence scurrying around on (l)edges the dust of dark corners and meaning’s
rust from odd job to odd job watching
askance as the trains go by the missed boats sailing off into
promising new horizons washed up
passed up passé relegated to
the silence the muteness of so much accumulated
suffering stifled by a pain so
intense AAAHHHHHMMMMM!!!! UUUUNNNNN!!!ABLE!! to shed
one miserable tear as a procession of
gray and blue hairs back
from a game of bridge shuffling in from the cold with a chorus of
hellos how do you dos and colder than a witches tit! ambles past my dumbfounded senses choked as i am with
a hole in my stomach as reminder of what lies ahead the
ever-expanding perimeter of a pool of gloom
the internal cohesion of confusion con fusion i.e., with fusion will soon be coming coming and going ‘cause now is never the
right time . . .
Buried alive:
layering in the dark
the lid closed down upon you
and now there’s no turning back
afterall only which is
say again
was the task that we had a skin even as we know all too well ourselves
to be a theme and then some more starting location a (l)edge from which to know a world
relegated to silence buried alive in a hole of how do you do and gray blues so
intense packing up the lopsided watching askance scurrying past a history
littered with ruins
this again
starting location the point at which another digression begins a
path to be followed away into and to be again some (l)edge from which to
not enough stomach belly as remainder of belying
an expanding perimeter
in down
there’s no looking up sliding down that upward mobility some
literary critic once said would soon be coming coming and going ‘cause now is never the
right time
what a cul de sac!
so much accumulated suffering perhaps
in the
stifling gloom seldom said again some more
words so much so such that enough is not enough
after all
only which again was the task that we have a skin even as we know all too
well yes that is to say yes
ourselves to be a theme and then
some more as if coasting along
starting location an edge from
which to know a word a world relegated to silence buried alive in the whole mess of how do you
dos gray and blue so intense passing up the lopsided watching askance that is to say sideways
out of the corner of one’s eye scurrying past a history littered with
garbage yes that’s it
a garbage heap a garbage dump the heap of trouble we’re in that’s it
which is to say say what so much accumulated dust the
rusty dust of meaning’s lot as flotsam is the so much more to say
but i don’t know
and where i am is a kind of burgeoning activity a path that leads but can’t be
identified a kind of acousmatic sound
poem the fuzzy buzzy birds the radio buzzy birds screaming
squirmishing stratosphere’s staticky
whistletones teasing nagging at me like gnats for days on end and
what is there to say i mean what
is there to say here to say here to stay here
to stray away and continue scavenging for ideas and things no
ideas but in thongs is the motto of the day it seems no ideas but in thugs thugs in thongs throngs of ‘em regurgitating what has been
said and done that’s been done
before that’s been said before scavenging the lot of us the bored
boring lot of us done scavenging for whatever crumbs of affection
and attention we can lay our needy hands on
the boring lot of us condemned it
seems to repeat to repeat as i was saying to
repeat what’s been said and done one more time and again
and then some more and then again some more which is to say this historical tedium the
tedium of history’s litany gone astray
the long and tedious litany of
history gone astray as i was saying the
boring lot of us condemned it seems to
repeat regurgitate reproduce
sorry so melancholically so and
re-reproduce as i was saying so
mechanically so so sorry the boring lot
of us so condemned it seems to reproduce
the same old power plays patterns and
schemes to reproduce it seems society’s dominant ideology that is
the ideology of domination to
manipulate and control the tedious
bunch we this humanity all
too human in our inhumanity the boring
lot of us that is to say all
too inhuman in our humanity this
we it seems that is to say us
the contemptible lot stuck in a rut of our own making the
labyrinth of cages we force upon ourselves and each other in our daily
interactions condemned as we are to repeat sorry
so sorry reproduce i mean that
is to say with our daily actions it seems repeat the same hellish same story nauseating hellish sameness of abuse and
misuse the same sorry so sorry lot of us bored as we
are with ourselves and each other stuck in a rut of our own making it
seems bored with each other and who we are the
biting nasty gossip the endless talk about nothing the noise
the backstabbing the
scheming the incessant monologue of fear
the gnawing yes the gnawing in one’s skull crows cawing away in the sky crows
clawing away in the skull the tedious bluntness of it all like a dull ache behind the eyes the violence sorry
it is so sorry it is so the numbing tedium of the ongoing daily
violence and its nauseating cycle of fear and destruction it is so it is so sorry this
vicious cycle of threats and counter threats and counter counter threats and
insecurities this vicious cycle as i was saying into which we are born and so-called educated by our progenitors and our so-called
educators whose cruelty against defenseless children
goes largely unnoticed condemned it
seems that is to say the boring lot condemned to attack defend
and attack again and then some more
and then again and then again
some more stuck as we are in this
system that is to say this way of
thinking which over the centuries thousands of years has become a habit and over the centuries thousands of years we’ve become habituated to
this habit stuck as we are
trapped caught boxed
in as we are in this relentless this
ruthless way of thinking snagged as we are by
the indifferent machinery of its logic stifled by the coldness of its
reason pinned down by its ruthless
instrumentality and seeing how these authoritarian these
oppressive structures are reproduced on a daily basis at the smallest most local levels in our heads that is to say our so called human heads on to
the greater structures of institutions
corporations entire societies and governments from left to right through the extreme center i think
of the river and its
relentless motion its ongoing ruthless motion
and very often
i can’t hear anything out side given over as i am to my fantasies my dreams and thoughts my thoughts of the river and the lives it
has taken the horror of it that is to say the river itself the horror of it that monstrous body of water the thousands millions of tons of onrushing jade colored
water pushing forward toward the
falls the thought of being swallowed up and dragged down into its murky
here in my cubicle my little
box very often i can’t hear the sounds of the storm
outside the thrashing wind and sleet as i’m often intensely absorbed concentrated on writing “scrap(e)” a dreadfully desperate attempt at composition
for solo cello full of screechy scrapy
whinny sounds or dozing off
into sleep into the depths of the winter night into sleep dreaming or
intensely occupied with my fantasies
as i was saying with my thoughts of the river outside and very often i can’t even tell when
someone is coming in through the front door and surprises me in one of my
obscure reveries one of my as i was saying fantasies
of walking off into first up to my
knees then waist deep plunging into the icy water of
the rushing river into as i was saying the
cold murky force of its relentless logic
the horrendous logic
of the whole thing the ruthless self organizing self
perpetuating logic of the whole
thing and which with mechanical force pushes us forth inexorably
in a series a concatenation of catastrophes expanding inexorably as i was saying with
the mechanical ruthlessness of its logic
expanding in seemingly
exponential fashion in a series of catastrophic events leading us it would seem eventually toward total disaster
and suddenly finding myself face to face with Mrs. Doyle who
smiling asks me how i’m doing and would i like something to eat or
something to drink and the horrendously wrenching contrast
between the kindness of her smiling face and my despondent gloominess twists my insides with guilt and self
consciousness a shame that washes over
me like a freezing cold shower making the river outside look more and more
appealing by the second
and very often as i’m standing outside by the river eating
my rice pudding or my tapioca pudding
with half a plastic spoon or
even a whole plastic spoon i think
about the river and its relentless motion and staring into its translucent
turbulence i think of the lives the bodies it has taken both willing and
unwilling away down
into its cold jade colored darkness
the countless broken lives the silenced broken souls it has taken into
its fold perhaps even mercifully like no mother no lover ever could and
who’s stories remain forever untold i
think of those countless broken lives
those broken souls who’s now no longer struggling bodies the
river in its relentless passage has
engulfed and with brutal indifference dragged down as i’ve already said into
its murky depths and with the ruthless force of thousands millions
of tons of freezing water perhaps pinned into a corner somewhere some
dark rocky crack rift and with brutal force as i was saying that helpless that
hapless now lifeless body
the life crushed out of it by the
thousands the millions of tons of freezing water lies boxed in in its final resting place
but no i think to myself that is to say i say
to myself there is no final resting place in this the river
for even as i think to myself
that is to say i speak to myself ceaselessly so the river
in its endless flow with
utterly brutal force continues to pummel away at that now lifeless
body which lies boxed in helplessly pinned down in a crevasse somewhere
below and the river as i’ve already mentioned with
brutal force continues to pound away at the lifeless flesh and over the course of weeks or
perhaps even a few days erodes eats
away at the now frigid tissues tearing
away bits and pieces even chunks of what is perhaps a flesh in
nearly crystallized state over the
course of weeks or perhaps just a few days
strips away the flesh in patches
swaths of skin peeled off then
the fatty tissues below then the muscle tissues and sinews eroded peeled away as i was saying and in a matter of weeks or perhaps just
a few days such that only the bare
bones are left upon which the river continues in its relentless
process of demolition to pound and
grind away rub and chafe at the cold bones below and over the course of weeks and months the
incessant grinding and pounding slowly but surely turns the bones into clay or mud which
as i may have already said over
the course of months or perhaps just a
few weeks is washed away
downriver the bones lying in a mortar of rock pounded upon by a gigantic pestle of millions
of tons of icy water day after day
ground into a fine dust that is to say pulverized now turned into clay or mud such that whatever person whatever life there was is now erased washed away downriver every last bit every
last particle dragged away inexorably toward the falls’ very edge
a ledge broken off from
which to begin again alleged
beginnings it is said commence here
where nothing it seemed there was left
to be said as stray sections foiled streaming my own interests messy into musical
mishearings ends ruins from logic a kind of oneiric logic accidental other territories resisting ideology reproduced enough such that enough and then
again words langwise langwedge langwheezing a langeezer whimsically languaging saying verbatim in places as “i” was
pounding in re-creation through speechlessness and speaking verborragia hemorrhaging bricollage like a composite material (p)articulate matter digressing into possibilities
whatchamacalliting into sounds dismantling verbatim into day dreaming
turbubabulent curlicues in re-creation
a shrapnel meanings disordering and this ordering meaning this here beginning as
mishearings electrochemically
into this juncture into intro trance-elation
transacting a while that is to
say looping round and round again the ongoing
digression into my beyond stumbling into clusters embedded contradictions refracted sense locus sounds
rejecting explamutilations and then say
to the whirr where other whirls in conjecture
without between something shown under “i”
arriving at the
same edge again writing this again starting location a
skin to be theme all some more and then enough is not enough to be theme in
dislocation which is that we have only
ourselves with which to know the world
each other language thought and
perception with which to conduct the task
even as we know that ineluctably
everything slips away into
silence at last only that silence
wasn’t as bad as some had thought
as final
was silence after all that
made the utterance possible
* * *
an unpleasant machine it was
is this no
better than a hand cranked meat grinder proceeding each time at a fairly brisk
pace then yet
still not knowing how or when not writing what one knows but writing toward
into uncertainty crablike backing into it perhaps then knowing not knowing and what “i” means in this context belonging perhaps to these turbulent motions
can we see it without words? do
words block the view? if words are
the view what lies beyond? behind? behind
beyond what to write in on
what? and
in what language? not the
mother tongue but
the other tongue
the nothing of tissues
i was flaunting be still me
frozen hard they are before be
before the thing has no word maybe to
hear perhaps to listen a word here a little story small
this was a writing is better still better be still this
was a waiting is for the rusty places
as final this
the utterance made into the
silence the last after fall slipping away into everything made possible at starting location audible arriving at enough this location not enough can be seen
crablike as possible even as we know left to be said what
say what? logic from daydream location thought as streaming dislocation
driving down the highway
along the river the sunlight again gleaming on the water’s
rippling surface no not glasslike not like-anything i know or anything like light on water gripping dripping
grippling dribbling along and. across the
border the trees which just a few days ago still
clung to summer’s edge have now turned
overnight into yellow then a tide of browns ochers and reds along
the river’s distant opposite
shore igniting feelings which are better left unsaid
the story began
somewhere i knows but soon
got lost among many others and i is hard pressed to say which one matters
most though it seems the turbulence the mayhem
the energy generated by them all
is what counts what’s worth telling
about and behind it behind the writing that
upon which and against which the writing writes resisting the indagations where
pen and pencil are like daggers with ever blunted points prying at the surface of things as i tries to
gather in a few gestures the
facts and events into a landscape which might give it all some kind of
sense wherein even the senseless has its place
“Mi annoio. Voglio morire.”[6]
yeah i know
i’ve told you all this before
but that’s just the point the point before and after is present
here in the here and now of writing along mapping disorder and this order compelled egged
on by the chaos outside and the indifference within curious about the places the spaces
the surfaces the point the line
the surface (a membrane?) where
the world outside meets the indifference
inside i mean “inside” just as I mean “outside” (gotta get back to
this inside/outside dichotomy later turn the whole thing upside down inside out
and round ‘n round no such thing really
no such “thing” no such “thingliness
of the thing” really but it’s an entertaining notion really . . . ) that is metaphorically
and thinking that maybe the indifference within i means
the chaos without is really proportional to the callousness
inside a kind of butterfly effect as they call
it or a feedback loop that generates
more disorder even as we desperately struggle to freeze-dry reality into a
tidy clean elegantly packaged explanation pretty as the truth tied at both ends as it
were as if words were the connective tissue
that glues everything together thus
keeping us in contact with. this even
though in time the glue hardens and
thickens becomes brittle and
lifeless cracking as the seams come undone crackling
and writing these lines these strands which are entwined in a rough
irregular manner together forming a loose web of
associations dead ends disjunctures and inconsistencies a
porous texture characterized by fissures
gaps and blemishes irregularities and discontinuities a kind
of texture comparable perhaps to geological formations and other messy turbulent
processes seen in nature a thorny and often cacophonous writing
employing a strategy of excess an
inconsistent ode to imperfection the
purpose of which is to create a singularity
a locus of difference in
effect a kind of scrub a
noisy weed garden that resists the ever present and totalizing inundation of
useless information society generates to distract and drown out the troublesome
moral implications of its existence
namely the violence by which society constitutes maintains and enforces itself upon us weapons of mass distraction a
kind of negative feedback loop intolerant of any new and dissenting information
and which can be characterized by the following motto “I
know what I like, I like what I know” or to put it another way:
“In chaos
terms, the systems that operate on collusion and automatism
obviously not creative open systems. Rather, their behavior is dominated
a relatively small number of negative feedback loops. The countless small
[ . . . ] are not an expression of creative degrees of freedom, but represent
locked together in a way that creates
one big obsessive repetitive
that chaos scientists call a limit cycle.
systems are those that cut themselves off from the flux of
external world because a great part of their internal energy is devoted to
change and perpetuating relatively
mechanical patterns of behavior.
survive in such rigid and comparatively closed systems, everyone must resign
little - or often a great deal - of their individuality by blending into the
who rise ‘to the top’ in such systems are generally the ones who use
phrases, those mindless formulas that keep the mechanism of collusion
Limit cycles are the systems
that make us feel powerless. They are
ones we want to change but can’t because they appear to resist all our efforts.
systems are everywhere in society.”[7]
that’s what i was talking about
la noia annoyed irritable irritated by boredom that is to say the
incessant production of boredom the incessant ranting and raving of the
ratings and polls the forced cheerfulness coming from the media
that enforced cheerfulness
those weapons of mass turbation that keep
us chasing the proverbial carrot dangling from a stick you know what i like, you like what i
know desire on the run yearning
chasing as i was saying after
the proverbial carrot the promise of a
fulfillment that never comes no better than hamsters the lot of us on the proverbial as i was saying treadmill
all this in the midst of an
endless barrage of images of destruction
wars murders torture
exploitation disease and disasters of all sorts the
all around nastiness humanity is capable of producing reduced down
to the level of mindless entertainment the never ending tautologies as i was saying and human suffering as not
seen in the vacuous smile of the celeb on the red carpet swaying those brilliant perfectly aligned pearly whites
gleaming forming an implacable wall of denial . . .
what a
celeb is
does a celeb really celebrate?
ongoing and numbing
production of vanity stupidity
and ignorance that’s what!
“whaaat? don’tcha know? I have thoughts and
feelings too!?” sexily purrs the celeb squirming in her surgically enhanced
bodily charms a jiggling the meat hard pressed against an open blouse
why don’tcha know? she’s America’s Bridgit Bardot! a
ruthless reduction of the subject to a hand-full of poses: hip
slightly jutting left contra
posto hands on hips knowing glance sideways now a
smile shift to other leg flinging hair across face in defiance smile
again knowingly and then again and still some more clutching left shoulder with right hand feigning shyness grin
crossing legs in childish pose arms and hands as before long black lashes on high tan cheekbones jutting which is to say and then again commissure of mouth smirking head bent sideways hesitant face
slightly downwards then in profile fleshy bust protruding and knowing glance a gleaming
some more and then again and still some more again and so on so
forth which is to say and then again some more show a little tits a little ass smirk
bare and grin it and do it all
over again and still some more and then again which
is to say
sexy means . . . thing,
the thingliness of the thing,
tidy little package,
pretty as the truth
tied at both ends
cathode-licks i tell ya
the lot of us entranced by the taste-less smell-less touch-less
insubstantial flickering flow of images
of wealth and debauchery violence
glamour and senseless luxury
thinking how the history of humanity is really the history of
boredom a great endless bottomless boredom incommensurable beginningless
ontological boredom (if you’ve ever lived in the Hague
you’d know exactly wot i’m talking about,
exactly wot i mean,
the global village idiots,
the tedium is the message of
the media
such that meaning means
and business means . . . as usual,
secure behind their miles thick dikes and lulled into complacency by their ever so perfect welfare state and all the while, ruthlessly exploiting the
hapless foreign workers that wander into their way,
sway . . . )
the boredom as i was saying humanity left here by some device divine or otherwise annoyed on this planet left here
as i’ve already said in a kind of solitary confinement left
here on this insignificant spec of dust
to stew and rot away in this
prison this labyrinth of fear and confusion in our
on our own of our own
of our own making
stranded as i was saying left to our own devices and
try as we may to distract ourselves from this state . . .
. . .
until the advent of television (vision from afar, distant vision, remote
vision: an obliterating eye blasting us with . . .) and its incessant
production of boredom where nothing means everything and everything means nothing nothing at all yet
still entranced by the magic of . . .
cathodelicks the lot of us entranced
by the flickering images weapons of mass distraction . . .
resentment . . . envious you say? naw
don’t think so just wish i had
one tenth one hundredth one
thousandth of their wealth could pay off my debts get
myself out of this financial mess then write them a love letter or two ‘n make
their heads spin the pen being mightier than the sword i’m told
my little Excalibur here cutting and slashing to and fro poking its way along . . . all rights reversed! steal back what they took with
impunity our time our misdirected desires
astray all the while singing a little
“We could
take the money home
Sit around the family
My old dog could chew his bone,
For two weeks we could appease the Almighty
Just making easy money!” [8]
all this
as i was saying a dispersal a
doodling scribbling motion with which to create a
cartography as is all writing a kind of trace a
trace of itself first and foremost composed not of units but of dimensions or
rather directions in motion no beginning and no end but always a middle a meddling
a muddling from which to grow and from which to overspill stuttering
spilling over toward a book a text made up of planes lines
motions and commotions energies energy fields and textures (no, not chapters) which
connect communicate with one another through fissures
and gaps turbubabulent a
turbulent motion from which to go on[9]
through através
atravesando otra véz as I was saying incompleteness a
single sentence full of
interruptions derivations and
digressions deviations from which the story began only to
branch out again a flow of waking walking
and writing with pauses pieces a text
a composition as I was writing “as I was saying ‘I’ ” made up of incompleteness exposing
the incompleteness of thoughts and things
perceptions of our experience of them
the incompleteness of our
experience of them
sure how things sounds are related connected to each other but also
how things sounds are not related connected to each other and what happens in
the interstices the spaces in between listening to the scrap where the scrape once was avoiding any orientation toward a
culmination point or external end always detachable, connectable, reversible,
modifiable with multiple entryways and exits, now straggling but then with
sudden gushes[10]
writing as kinesthetic process where such
motions actions are a mapping mapping disorder and this order which is to
say scribbling between the lines a
babbling between the rigid order of so much thinking
by conjunctions a swirling motion
sifting through the cracks
scribbling the moments away scrape scrap scribbling and scratching between
the notions and scrape scrap scribbling in the something to say
is it spite
vindictiveness that keeps me going? or am i slowly but surely turning into a
machine helplessly churning out
words outwords phrases verbal formulae thinking indeed that i am thinking churning about in an increasingly limited
pool of ideas and habits?
the repertoire of things to do say
think and feel shrinking day by
day as the dominant order
increasingly takes over our lives
consolidates its hold on us
choking the life out of us
forcing us into a straightjacket of debts and emptiness the screws steadily tightened
thinking indeed that i am
thinking day by day a society in which more and more people
want to be told what they want
need a polymorphous iron lady
clamping down on us with even and steady pressure compressing us down into a one
dimensional existence
my life increasingly limited compressed by the
the thought
wordthought machines
jabbering in the dark light of a red dream gone astray as the corporate mentality gains upon us
day by day
its hold on our lives
forcing us into an increasingly limited repertoire of things to say think
feel . . . relationships as simulationships just another technojock
with the
machine to show for it
“I am unwritten” croons croaks creaks
squeals the latest corporate pop
but that
statement itself is scripted
advertisement another lie propaganda no
different from those politicians who say they stand for freedom and democracy
while at the same time
wheeling and dealing with the corporations they serve . . . distracto-people
hanging out wasting our time
have i addressed the issues yet? yeah the Great American Novel fell by the way
side spilled sifting through the cracks and where still
we wait for permission in the dark
for permission to be free
Nietchste Foucault Deleuze
and Guattari giving us the go ahead it’s OK son girl
you can write think what ever
you want it’s OK you know
nomadic thinking writing be
a wolf man it’s OK oh is that OK? Sir Madam?
well geeez thanks i’m glad you
approve what would we do without it?
you will be allowed to speak live
but only after every outlet has
been obstructed[11]
you will be allowed to live speak even but only after every desire has been
blocked and diverted we are
after all a freedom loving democratic society and we want you to be
happy happy doing our bidding you are obliged to be happy doing our
bidding you will be happy doing our
bidding we will oblige you to be hap or in any case . . . to do our bidding . . .
throwing out flames and shooting out
shoots an intensive trait starts
looking working for itself a hallucinatory perception synesthesia perverse mutation or play of images and sounds soundimages and imagisounds shaking loose challenging the signifier’s hegemony and
the grid of preconceived notions we’re stultified by from the inside out and
vice versa vice as in addiction
a movement a motion wiping away the graph paper mind set
scribbling the moments away scratching between the notions scrape scrap scribbling away in the something to say connected by conjunctions and then
again regaining one’s freedom from the
dominant competence of teachers language expertise (and expert tease) a digression of course and off course a flow without purpose using short term memory and short term ideas even when reading and re-reading using long-term memory of long-term
concepts the unconscious as a-centered
system oscillating irregularly
between systematicism and the a-systematic
what is a wolf anyway?
an animal
what is an animal?
and who’s to say?
say what?
what’s left to say
applying a system to the kinesthetic process the scribbling the scribbling goes on the etching the scratching word as form shape
sound complex the itching goes
on and on as does the inscribing the
scribbling within
an external monologue ingested and so internalized digested and then excreted and so externalized as nothing is lost no
nothing no thing is lost all is transformed somehow into lust the dust of lust and then some more
rust no thing to be spared once more gone and still
there is no inside and there’s
no outside there never was a
dichotomy to rebel against only
enclosures and exposures
enclosed spaces
and more exposed places pockets caves and houses planes and fields and pauses convex areas and concave spaces enclaves and convex caverns bubbles pockets and pick pocket hockets
and spaces readily available to perception
sight hearing and smell taste and touch
and spaces processes
(thoughts gurglings emotions and desirings) not so easily
available to the senses
telling “it” like it is
is like telling it is like
it is
telling wha? wa?
as language is
my witness no longer knowing who or
what i am what purpose i serve in this
life all that guides me now is
trauma this catastrophic process
i’ve become
this i’m thinking as i’m driving the
van the van i rented down the highway heading north past the Niagara exit toward . . . searching for a place a different kind of space all this as i’m driving down the
highway along the river toward North Campus heading out of town and as the highway begins to veer
off away from the river’s edge a glint catches my eye my left eye to be precise peripherally i catch a glimpse chunks of ice drifting down river toward the island where the river’s bend begins
jagged white grayish-white shapes puzzle-like slowly swirling round and round caught in a whirlpool near the river’s elbow where the bend begins blindly searching each others’ edges shapes
erratically bumping into each other
never quite fitting in
* * *
[1] Verlaine, Tom, “Elevation”,
“Marquee Moon”, Television, 1977 Elektra/Asylum Records.
[2] Banks, Iain, “A Song of Stone,” Abacus, London, 1997.
[3] Whitman, Walt,
“Song of Myself,” Leaves of Grass, 1993, Modern Library Edition.
[4] Banks, Iain, “A Song of Stone,” London: Abacus,
[5] Ashbery, John,
“Flow Chart,” The Noonday Press a
division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 19 Union Square West, New York 10003,
[6] Weaver, Williams, Introduction to Boredom by Alberto Moravia, translation by Angus Davidson, The New York
Review of Books, 1755 Broadway, New York, NY 10019, p. vi.
[7] Briggs, John and Peat, F. David, Seven Life Lessons of Chaos: Spiritual
Wisdom from the Science of Change, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 10 East
53rd Street, New York, NY 10022, pp. 39 – 40.
[8] King Crimson, Easy Money, (Fripp, Wetton, Palmer-James), Larks’ Tongues in Aspic,
released on Island Records, March 23, 1973.
[9] Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix, “One or Several Woves?” in A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia,
translation and Foreword by Brian Massumi, (University of Minnesotta Press, 111
Third Avenue South, Suite 290, Minneapolis, MN 55401- 2520, Eleventh printing
[10] Idem.
[11] Idem.
sections of Song of Anonymous are
composites made of bits and pieces taken from other texts, whether in the form of a direct
quote or as paraphrases, which, when put together in collage or bricollage
fashion, constitute the narrator’s voice or rather, his or her many voices. A
list of these sources is provided below.
1) Adorno, Th. W., “La posición
del narrador en la novela contemporánea,” Notas Sobre Literatura, Obra
Completa, 11, De la edición de bolsillo, Ediciones Akal, S.A., 2003, Sector
Foresta, 1, 28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, España.
My translation.
(Adorno, Theodor W., “The
Position of the Narrator in the Contemporary Novel,” Notes on
Literature, Complete Works, 11, From the pocket editions, Ediciones Akal,
S.A., 2003, Sector Foresta, 1, 28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, España. My translation.)
________________, “La forma en la
nueva música,” Escritos Musicales III, Escritos Musicales I –
III, Obra Completa, 16, Ediciones Akal, S.A., 2006, Sector Foresta, 1,
28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, España. My translation.
_______________, “Form in New
Music,” Musical Writings III, Musical Writings I – III, Complete
Works, 16, Ediciones Akal, S.A., 2006, Sector Foresta, 1, 28760 Tres
Cantos, Madrid, España. My translation.).
2) Andrews, Bruce, Paradise and Method: Poetics and Praxis,
Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Illinois 60208-4210, 1996.
3) Artaud, Antonin, “Artaud the
Momo,” Watchfiends & Rack Screams: Works From The Final Period,
Ed. And trans. By Clayton Eshleman and Bernard Bador, Boston, Exact Change,
4) Ashbery, John, April
Galleons, Viking Penguin Inc., 40 West 23rd Street, New
York, New York, 10010, U.S.A., 1987.
---------------------, Collected
Poems 1956 – 1987, ed., Mark Ford, The Library of America, Literary
Classics of the United States, Inc., New York, N.Y., 2008.
5) Austin, James H., Zen and the Brain, MIT Press paperback
edition, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, fifth
printing 2000.
6) Barthes, Roland, “Writing and
the Novel,” Writing Degree Zero, trans. Annette Lavers and Colin
Smith, Hill and Wang, 1977.
7) Bataille, Georges, “Oresteia,”
The Impossible, trans. Robert
Hurley, City Lights Books, San Francisco, 1991.
8) Beckett, Samuel, “The
Unamable,” Volume II, Novels, The
Grove Centennial Edition, series editor, Paul Auster, Grove Press, 841
Broadway, New York, NY, 10003, 2006.
9) Bernhard, Thomas, Gargoyles, trans. Richard and Clara
Winston, The University of Chicago Press, 1986.
__________________, Gathering Evidence: A Memoire and My
Prizes, translated from the German by Carol Brown Janeway, Second Vintage
International Edition, November 2011.
__________________, Old Masters: A Comedy, translated from the
German by Ewald Osers, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1992.
__________________, The Loser, translated from the German by
Jack Dawson, Afterword by Mark M. Anderson, Vintage International, Vintage
Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, October 2006.
10) Bernstein, Charles, “Artifice
of Absorption,” A Poetics, Harvard University Press, 1992.
_______________, “Hearing Voices,” in The Sound of
Poetry, the Poetry of Sound edited by Marjorie Perloff and Craig Dworkin,
University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London 2009.
11) Bonca, Cornel, Don Delillo’s White
Noise: The Natural Language of the Species, in White Noise: Text and
Criticism, Don Dellilo, ed. Mark Osteen (New York: Viking critical library,
Published by the Penguin Group 1998).
12) Cope, David, Computers and Musical Style, A-R Editions,
Inc., 801 Deming Way, Madison Wisconsin 53717-1903, 1991.
13) Cortazar, Julio, “Rayuela,” Vigesioséptima
Edición Setiembre de 1989, Sudamericana/Planeta (Editores) S.A., Humberto I
545, Buenos Aires.
14) Joyce, James, Finnegans
Wake, introduction by John Bishop, Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375
Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A., 1999.
15) Krishnamurti, Jiddu, Krishnamurti’s Notebook, Krishnamurti
Publications of America, P. Box 1560, Ojai, CA 93024, 2003.
16) Deleuze, Gilles, Guattari, Felix, “Becoming Intense, Becoming Animal, Becoming Imperceptible,” A
Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Translation and Forward by
Brian Massumi, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2009.
17) Dworkin, Craig, “The Stutter
of Form,” in The Sound of Poetry, the Poetry of Sound edited by
Marjorie Perloff and Craig Dworkin, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and
London 2009.
18) Ehresman, David E., Wessel, David L., Perception of Timbral
Analogies, IRCAM, 31 rue Saint-Merri, F-75004, Paris and, Department of
Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, U.S.A.
19) Flowers, Brandon, “Spaceman,”
Day & Age, The Killers, Island Records, 2008.
20) Gallup, Smith, Tolhurst, “Charlotte
Sometimes,” Standing on a Beach, The Cure, Elektra Records, 1986.
21) Goldsmith, Kenneth, “Introduction,”
in Uncreative Writing: Managing Language in the Digital Age, New
York: Columbia University Press 2011.
_______________, “Language as
Material,” in Uncreative Writing: Managing Language in the
Digital Age, New York: Columbia University Press 2011.
_______________, “Revenge of the
Text,” in Uncreative Writing: Managing Language in the Digital Age, New York: Columbia
University Press 2011.
22) McCaffery, Steve, Prior to Meaning: The Protosementic and
Poetics, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Illinois 60208-4210,
23) Paulson, William R., “Literature
and the Division of Knowledge,” The Noise of Culture: Literary Texts in
a World of Information, Cornell University Press, 1988.
24) Perloff, Marjorie, “After
Language Poetry: Innovation and Its
Theoretical Discontents,” in Differentials: Poetry, Poetics, Pedagogy,
Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press 2004.
____________, “Language Poetry
and the Lyric Subject: Ron Silliman’s
Albany, Susan Howe’s Buffalo in Differentials: Poetry, Poetics, Pedagogy,
Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press 2004.
____________, “Unoriginal Genius:
An Introduction,” in Unoriginal Genius: Poetry by Other Means in the New
Century, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 2010.
25) Ramone, Joey, “I Wanna be
Sedated,” performed by The Ramones, Sire records, September 21, 1978.
26) Roads, Curtis, Microsound, First MIT Press paperback
edition, 2004, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England.
27) Roads, Curtis, The Computer Music Tutorial, The MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 1996.
28) Rowe, Robert, Interactive Music Systems: Machine Listening and
Composiing, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 1993.
29) Serres, Michel, “Rats’ Meals
– Cascades,” The Parasite, trans. Lawrence R. Schehr, University of
Minnesotta Press, Minneapolis, London, 2007.
30) Silliman, Ron, “Who Speaks:
Ventriloquism and the Self in the Poetry Reading” in Close Listening:
Poetry and the Performed Word, ed. Charles Bernstein, New York, New York,
Oxford University Press 1998).
31) Stevens, Wallace, Collected Poetry and Prose, The Library of
America, 1996.
32) Watten, Barrett, Questions of Poetics: Language Writing and
Consequences, University of Iowa Press, Iowa City 52242, 2016.
33) Wörner, Karl H., Stockhausen: Life and Work, University of
California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 1976.