Monday, November 19, 2018

Heller Levinson, excerpts from UN--

little riverrun, Linda Lynch, Pastel on paper, 2018

excerpts from UN--


surrey-ing the road to lost
road, bounding perplexity potholes, in the
rush of vexative disarray on the heels of a prosperous meander,
the pause to ponder:  to roam the electrical currency of epoxy garlic, to calculate the unravellings necessary to build an effective passing lane, the burden of proof lies with the definition, roasting through the perils of combinatorial seepage a pledge is born, -- to spend
a lifetime rummaging foam

be-Wilder (take 2)

trespass reckless                      care-less
            forlorn leeches morbidity
ogive collapse ……………..
………….. counting creates
measure, you can
count on it, censorial

the animal grasps
none of this




is the


be-Wilder (take 3)

sludge come duly
scrawl calamities bituminize
penning animals as penmanship
lamentations lap the labyrinth
loll lacerate

where in the

upon reflection it’s pointless to consider alternatives in the wake of administrative fallacies the derelict the disbeliever the denuded the disgraced the downtrodden it’s moments like this when opportunities abound boundless bosom broth bramble bumble don’t ya know yet perimeter science has arrived at a subversion of terms based upon scrupulously unfolding nightgowns & other diverse theories a complexion of parts bearing granular perplexities if only you stayed for the finale the uproar was uproarious it was the driest of seasons the dreariest poultry if tutorials could account for Sunday football the kinetics of beer slippery when wet watch where you step the game wardens came up empty the game never came the art of trespass is experiencing a revival in inner circles otherwise why waste the paint it’s a species of discontent to pray for salt after hours a dark space between the evidence looms large rehearsals are fumbling the influence of outsiders cannot be overstated still the morning hours delicious for fornication

—Heller Levinson